Publications - Books

C. Kachris, B. Falsafi, D. Soudris, Accelerators in Data Centers.
Ch. "M2DC -- A Novel Heterogeneous Hyperscale Microserver Platform", pp.109-128
Springer, International Publishing, 2019.
C. Brandolese, L. Giuliani,
C++ 2011 - Caratteristiche e programmazione,
Pearson Italia, Milano 2011.
A.V. Aho, M.S. Lam, R. Seti, J.D. Ullman,
Compilatori: Principi, tecniche e strumenti,
Traduzione della seconda edizione
Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2009.
C.Brandolese, W.Fornaciari,
Sistemi Embedded,
Pearson Paravia Bruno Mondadori, Milano 2007.
Enrico Macii,
Ultra Low-Power Electronics and Design,
Ch. "Source Level Models for Software Power Optimization", pp.156-171
Kluwer Academics Publisher, Boston 2004.
C.Bolchini, C.Brandolese, F.Salice, D.Sciuto,
Reti Logiche,
Apogeo, Milano 2004.
P.J. Ashenden, J.P. Mermet, R. Seepold,
Syestem-on-Chip Methodologies and Design Languages,
Ch. "Retargetable Software Power Estimation Methodology", pp. 245-254,
Kluwer Academics Publisher, Boston 2001.